It's all about ball caps and cars...

It's all about ball caps and cars...
It's all about ball caps and cars!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life Lessons!!!

We stopped by the bank today and I decided to let Max on the secret of the suckers... I have yet to tell him that banks have them due to the fear of him asking every time we stop.. LOL.. He asked for a red or maybe an orange one. I told him that we don't ask for a specific kind, we should just be happy that we are getting one at all. I viewed this as an opportunity to show him a different side of praying.. We pray before bed, and before we eat, and at church, but he has yet to see the need for praying when you want something.. So I proceeded to tell him lets ask God if he will bless you with a red or orange sucker. We did, and then we waited. The teller was nice enough to give us 2 suckers. A cherry (red), although he really likes strawberry - but I don't think he knows the difference and he got a surprise/mysterious sucker with the purple wrapping and the yellow question mark. :) I said, "look Max, you got a red one". Ha, little did I know that when he said red or orange he really meant ORANGE.. Then the fit came.. I just decided I would eat the mystery sucker since they are my favorite and told him he just couldn't have one if he was going to throw a fit and be ungrateful. I proceed to open my mystery sucker and low and behold it is ORANGE!!.. Thank you Jesus for opening another learning opportunity on our way to Isaac's 15 mo. appointment.. Once I calmed down Max I explained to him that when someone is nice enough to give us something for free (insert illustration of us buying cars at the store) then we just tell them Thank You, take the item, and if we don't like it then we don't have to eat it, but we NEVER throw a fit or ask for a different kind. I think he got that when I ran over the scenario at the Dr's office.. If the lady gives you a sucker at the Dr. and you don't like the color what do you do? He said in a grumpy tone, "Say Thank You". Do you throw a fit? He said, "no"... Lesson learned - I hope!!! Then 15 minutes into the drive I remembered that we prayed for a red or an orange sucker and we got both.. Now it is time to teach him that we need to thank God for answering our prayers.. We did.. 3 lessons in 30 minutes was priceless.. I enjoy teaching them day to day.. I pray that these lessons stick even though he can throw a better fit than most kids I know.. :)

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